
2011-11-23 15:57:53

My name is Ian Dudzinski. Dudzinski is a Polish name from my father’s side of the family. My mother was French before moving to London England where I was born. As you can see, I’m a bit of a mix! I feel very tall in China because I at 197cms I really stand out. Some people call me TTC which stands for Tallest Teacher in China, so for my students I wrote a song on my guitar and of course called it TTC. 

Before coming to China I worked for 10 years as a teacher and trainer in a variety of schools colleges and community centers in London. I have completed one year teaching at Omeida and I have recently signed a new contract to teach for another year. I have enjoyed teaching here because the students are fun, like to laugh and if they walk out after a class with a big smile on their faces and they have learnt some useful English, I’m happy. They all want to learn English for a variety of reasons, which makes the teaching easier and enjoyable. I feel students have a very good opportunity to learn English quickly if they want. There are Chinese teachers here to help the beginners, then a number of western teachers from a variety of countries to help the students to achieve an even higher level of English. Of course it is also up to the student to put some effort with learning or practicing in their spare time.

Well I’m very lucky to live in Yangshuo because I love to cycle and here the surrounding countryside is stunning! There are rivers to bath in and if you are a good swimmer you can swim with friends. Swimming and cycling are two of my hobbies but I also love sports like badminton, volleyball and table tennis. In my spare time I like to read all kinds of fiction books, watch some internet TV or films and try and keep up to date with the latest news regarding the sciences. My passion is music, all types but alternative rock still rules my listening and a good dance puts a big smile on my face.

这位身高1.98的英格兰绅士,父亲是波兰人,母亲曾是法国人,Ian凭着其深厚的教学资质及丰富的社会阅历,他先后在英国及东南亚诸国都有过教学及管理经验,并得到广大国际学员的尊敬和厚爱。他拥有TESOL证书及外国专家证书,在欧美达,他为人谦虚随和,做事认真负责,教学严谨稳健,课堂妙趣横生。同时,他的IT技术也非常突出,曾任IT专职培训师。Ian爱好广泛,除教学及电脑技术外,他还钟情于天文地理、音乐体育及历史文化。他是目前为止欧美达最高的老师,很多学生称他为TTC, Tallest Teacher in China.



在学校social night中,幽默风趣的Ian在和学员做英语游戏,其乐融融。 


酷爱运动的Ian,周末经常和学员们一起出游。  看,他们正在福利kayaking呢。




2011-11-23 15:57:53
