
2011-11-23 16:23:17

Hi guys, thanks for coming here to learn something about me. My name is Leilei. My major was English teaching. I have been an English teacher for more than 10 years and I come from Guilin, a city that enjoys a reputation for having the most beautiful scenery in the world. I have been working in Yangshuo since I graduated from university because Yangshuo is a small but beautiful place and famous for its clear water and green mountains. My family background made me hard-working, confident, optimistic, modest and a little bit humorous. I often tell myself that I should see the good side of things and live happily. My personality means I enjoy my job very much and my students also enjoy themselves in my class. I sincerely hope that my students can always learn something in my class. For them, having a lesson is not a kind of torture but a kind of pleasure. Meanwhile, helping them realize their dreams of speaking English fluently at Omeida is what I devote myself to every day. Come here and join us; you will learn that learning English is quite different from what you have experienced before. 

2003年加入欧美达,为人乐观开朗,谈吐幽默,热爱生活,毕业于广西师范学院英语本科专业, 拥有CET-6,TEM-4等英语等级证书。欧美达资深中教,自2001年从事英语教育至今,已拥有10年的英语教学经验。从走上讲台的自信、老练,到上课的行云流水,是她这些年来对教育事业的热爱、对学生认真负责、集浑身之精力以育满园之桃李的最大收获。她所推崇的教学理念是快乐英语,润物细无声,让学生快乐地收获。是一位深受学生喜爱和尊敬的老师!她的人生理念是"不积硅步,无以至千里;不积小河,无以成江海!" 


Leilei是一位平易近人的,非常幽默的老师,跟leilei 老师在一起就有一种踏实感,学生们都很enjoy她的课,也很喜欢跟Leilei开玩笑。 


Leilei的课妙趣横生,深受学员喜爱,看,大家正津津有味地听着Leilei 的公开课呢。


2011-11-23 16:23:17
